my work staf17

Reading, understanding and explaining

Getting ready

Overview  *  levels  *  user's activities - interactions - processes  *  screen - masks  *  actions + methods - getting ready - navigating - draw  *  vars - topLeft - topRight - upLeft - upRight - m+bLeft - m+bRight  *  project - analysis - tasks - goals - description

Activity, goal User does Computer or program does Comments

1 Getting the software and starting up
1 Getting informed about the software
2 Getting the software: download or disk.
3 Doubleklicking the installer.

5 RC: installation dialog, where to install.

9 Reading confirmation of installation

4 Displaying installation dialog

6 Getting and interpreting user's input
7 Installing the software.
8 Confirming user about success of installation

Activities ouside of the CBI software

Starting up, getting ready
1 Telling the software to start up.

4 RC reading + clicking: choosing language

8 RN reading no response: confirmation about program, ready

2 Starting up the program.
3 AC asking for clicking:
no explicit request, just displaying buttons: English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano ...

5 IU interpreting input: language
- vUserLang:= E / F / D
6 IV initializing variables:
= set 'startUp', file r001e or r001f or r001d (folder 'rsc')
- vProgramName = name of this program
- vUserNameDef = default userName
- vConf11 = welcome
- vConf12 = confirming that user is in right program
- vConf13 = ready
- vConf14 = wish
- vConf15 = call you
- vConf16 = your language
- vConf21 = loading data
- vWarn11 = startUp file not correct
- vWarn12 = put file
- vWarn13 = funny name
- vAsk10 = thanks
- vAsk11 = type name
- vProt10 = you have done
- vProt11 = choosen language
- vProt12 = typed name
- vAppCount = how many times appended to userFile
- and using: vFolder, vFindFile, vFileName, vGetTx, linesInTx, linesDataInTx, itemsInUnit, linesPerUnit, unitsInTx, i, getThisLine, jumpToNextUnit, vCheck, stock_r001e, stock_r001f, stock_r001d, vCall01, vConf01, vConf02, vConf10, vRead01
7 CT confirming by text: welcome, ready
- vConf02:= vConf10:= vConf11, vConf12, vConf13

vUserName: holds actual (= typed) user name or default user name

Asking for name
2 RC reading + typing: first name

4 RN reading + no response: confirmation name, wish, thanks

1 AT asking for textEntry: first name
- vCall01.= vAsk11

3 IU interpreting input: name
- getting name: vUserName:=EntryText
- welcome 2: user by name, confirming:
  vCall01:= vAsk10 = thanks
  vConf02:= vConf11, vConf14 , vConf16 = welcome, language, whish
- alert if no valid character: vFirstChar, vUserNameDef
  vCall01:= vWarn13 funny name
  vConf02:= vConf15 = I call you
- and using: startJobTime

Initilizing variables 2
- 1 IV initializing variables:
= set 'startUp2', file r011e or r011f or r011d (folder 'rsc')
- v0title = where go
- v1title + v1lead = intro
- v2title + v2lead = experience
- v3title + v3lead = response
- v4title + v4lead = training
- v5title + v5lead = testing
- v6title + v6lead = reporting
- v7title + v7lead = protocol
- vTxShow = module shows
- vWarn11 = file not correct
- vAsk11 = choose module
- vProt13 = switched module
- and using: vFlag
2 restarting if startUpFile not correct
- vFlag

User file
4 RN reading + no response: confirmation userFile

12 *toDo RC reading + clicking: date, time

16 *toDo RC reading + clicking: confirmation about confirmed date and time

1 Initializing new external file for this user (= userFile, folder 'users')
- vMonth, vDay, vWhen, vFolder,
- vUserFileName:= 3 chars (vUserName) + 4 chars (vWhen) + vLap
- vApp01 = first appendix
- vAppAdd = what to add now
2 SU saving userFile
3 CT confirming by text: userFile
- vAppNew= start new userFile
- vAppCount = counting appendices
- vUserFilePath:= full path to userFile
- vUserFileContent:= log of userFile
iom = IOMessage

11 *toDo AC asking for decision: date and time correct?
vDateDisplayed, vTimeDisplayed

13 *toDo PV putting into variables: user's confirmation
- vDate, vDateCorrect
- vTime, vTimeCorrect
14 *toDo SU Saving userFile
+ "E User confirmed actual date: " vDate "as: " vDateCorrect return
+ "F User confirmed actual time: " vTime "as: " vTimeCorrect return
+ 1 blank line
15 *toDo CU confirming user: confirmed date and time

*toDo: 11-16

Overview  *  levels  *  user's activities - interactions - processes  *  screen - masks  *  actions + methods - getting ready - navigating - draw  *  vars - topLeft - topRight - upLeft - upRight - m+bLeft - m+bRight  *  project - analysis - tasks - goals - description

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