my work staf17

Reading, understanding and explaining

Actions and methods

Overview  *  levels  *  user's activities - interactions - processes  *  screen - masks  *  actions + methods - getting ready - navigating - draw  *  vars - topLeft - topRight - upLeft - upRight - m+bLeft - m+bRight  *  project - analysis - tasks - goals - description

What the users do and what the software does
Method user Method program Comments

R: Reading
* using variables from permanent set
- vCall01, ... (= left: where telling user to do this ...)
- vConf01, ... (= top: where confirming user about ...)
- vRead01, ... (= main: where informing user about ...)
* using variables from actual set
- vAsk01, ... (= content of this call)
- vConf11, ... (= content of this confirmation)
- vRead11, ... (= content of this information)
R1 Reading (in vRead01, ...) displayed information

RC: Reading and (reacting by) clicking
RC1 Reading displayed information
RC2 Clicking button / icon / keyword / link = telling the software my choice/decision

RT: Reading and (reacting by) typing
RT1 Reading displayed information
RT2 typing (into vTextEntry01 / ...) the required text = telling the software my answer

RN: Reading with no immediate reaction
RN1 Reading displayed information

RT: Reading and (reacting by) typing
RT1 Reading displayed information
RT2 typing (into vTextEntry01 / ...) the required text = telling the software my answer

DD: Drawing by dragging
* using variables from permanent set
- ???
* using variables from actual set
- vObject01 (= object of this action)
- vArea01 (= area of this action)
DD1 finding/choosing the object
DD2 clicking the object
DD3 dragging the object
DD4 reading confirmation

IV: Initializing variables
IV1 variables are implemented in program structure: type, name
IV2 loading values into variables: data from external file(s)

PV: Putting into variables
PV1 vTarget:= vInterim

S: Saving
* using variables from permanent set
- vUserFile (= protocol of user's actions)
- vUserFileAdd (= action to append to protocol)

SU: Saving userFile
SU1 vUserFileAdd:=what to append
SU2 vUserFile:= vUserFile + vUserFileAdd

A: Asking
* using variables from permanent set
- vCall01, ... (= left: where asking user to do this ...)
- vRead01 (= main: for reading by user)
- vBlank01 (= 1 normal blank = " ")
- vMark01, ... (= (punctuation) mark: ", ", ". ", "! ", "? ")
* using variables from actual set
- vCall11, ... (= content of this call)
- vAct11 (= action to perform)
  ("Read", "Type", "Draw by dragging", ...)
- vObject11 (= object of this action)
  ("the text", "your first name", "3 horizontal lines", ...)
- vOperator11 (= syntactical operator)
  ("into", "on", ...)
- vArea11 (= area of this action)
  ("the right", "the white typing field", "the white drawing field")
* using variables from user input
- vUserName (= first name)

AT: Asking user for typing/text entry
AT1 telling user what to type
AT2 displaying area where user types: vTextEntry01, ...
AT3 gathering the input: vTarget:= vTextEntry

AC: Asking user for clicking: choice, decision
AC1 telling user what to decide about
AC2 displaying area where user klicks: vButton01, ...
AC3 gathering the input: vTarget:= vCall01 + vButton(klicked)

AA: Asking user for action
AA1 telling user to do this ...
- "Please, " + vUserName + ", perform this action: "
AA2 telling user which action to perform within which area
- vCall11:= vAct01 + vBlank + vObject01 + vBlank + vOperator01 + vBlank + vArea01 + vMark01
- vCall01:= vCall11

C: Confirming user about ...
* using variables from permanent set
- vConf01, ... (= top: where confirming user)
- vConf11, ... (= content of this confirmation)
  (The way we are going now:, What you have done right now:, The work we are doing now:, ...)
- vFile01, ... (= fileName)
  ("in01" = intro-01, "td01" = testing-draw-01, ...)
* using variables from actual set
- vModule01, ... (= name of this module)
  (1 Introduction, 2 Experience, 3 Responses, 4 Training, 5 Testing, 6 Reporting, 7 Protocol)
- vUnit01, ... (= name of this unit)
  (Intro (to this module), Draw, ...)
- vWork11 (= work of user)
  (Reading instructions, Typing, Drawing by dragging, You placed one line, ...)

CG: Confirming user about the way going now
CG1 finding and loading file with next actual set
- vFile01 = fileName
CG2 preparing confirmation
- vConf02:= vConf11 + vModule01
CG3 displaying confirmation
- vConf02
CG4 starting new module

CI: Confirming user about the actual item: module, unit, step
- (new set of variables loaded with CG)
CI1 preparing confirmation
- vConf01:= vModule01, vUnit01, vStep01
CI2 displaying confirmation
- vConf01

CD confirming user about actual work doing now
CD1 preparing confirmation
- vConf02:= vConf11 + vWork11
CD2 displaying confirmation
- vConf02

CC: Confirming user about completed work
CC1 preparing confirmation
- vConf02:= vConf11 + vWork11
CC2 displaying confirmation
- vConf02

IU: Interpreting user's reaction
IU1 Receiving user's reaction: vTextEntry01, vButton01 ...
IU2 Interpreting user's reaction

CHI: Checking in when entering framework
CHI1 Setting up layers and masks
CHI2 Updating values

CHO: Checking out when leaving framework
CHO1 Setting up layers and masks
CHO2 Updating values

DI: Displaying information
DI1 Putting information in vars
DI2 Animating display of vars

Actions performed by user or by software
052 uuu 052 sss 052 ccc

Overview  *  levels  *  user's activities - interactions - processes  *  screen - masks  *  actions + methods - getting ready - navigating - draw  *  vars - topLeft - topRight - upLeft - upRight - m+bLeft - m+bRight  *  project - analysis - tasks - goals - description

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Chris Mueller (

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