staf 16

Reading, understanding and explaining

Interactions user-software

Overview  *  levels  *  user's activities - interactions - processes  *  screen - masks  *  actions + methods - getting ready - navigating - draw  *  vars - topLeft - topRight - upLeft - upRight - m+bLeft - m+bRight  *  project - analysis - tasks - goals - description

How user and software interact
interactions user-software
Processing of user
The user's activities can be grouped into 4 groups:
  • Encountering actively the topics of the program: perceiving and understanding
  • Taking in new informations by reading and listening
  • Responding by clicking or typing
  • Integrating some of the messages of the program: learning. Of course, learning takes place in all the groups - sometimes more sometimes less. This group is distributed over the other groups.

    The user performs these activities by using:

  • the mouse
  • the keyboard
  • specific media, like CD-ROM, book, floppy disk ...
  • the monitor
  • the printer

    The product of the user's activities is the input from the user to and for the program.

  • Processing of software
    The software's activities can be grouped into 4 groups:
  • Starting the program or a selected module (= switching)
  • Reading from and writing to external files
  • Displaying or printing on demand
  • Closing the program

    The program performs these activities by using:

  • specific media, like files on CD-ROM or hard disk ...
  • the monitor
  • the printer

    The product of the software's activities is the output from the program to and for the user.

  • Overview  *  levels  *  user's activities - interactions - processes  *  screen - masks  *  actions + methods - getting ready - navigating - draw  *  vars - topLeft - topRight - upLeft - upRight - m+bLeft - m+bRight  *  project - analysis - tasks - goals - description

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