cyberSlang: the ultimate instant online encyclopedia
Gathered and explained by Chris

Contents of CyberSlang
Distance education
  • Overview, literature, links
  • Transactional Distance

    Evaluating instructional software

  • Overview, literature, links
  • Review and Critique of current methods
  • The model of Reiser and Dick (1990)

    Evaluating instructional websites

  • Overview, literature, links
  • Review of EduWeb
  • Review of FeU - FernUniversität Hagen



  • Hypertext
  • Acquiring structrual knowledge

    Instructional Diagrams

  • Overview, literature, links
  • Ric Lowe (1993)

    Java Applets to get on TecfaMOO

    Learning, Teaching

  • Collaborative Learning
  • Effective Learning
  • Landamatics
  • Landamatic, slide
  • Acquiring structrual knowledge
  • Virtual Environments and Second Language Learning
    (Mémoire STAF)
  • Learning on the Web

    Mac forever

    Media available in the cyberspace: Bibliography, Books, Bookstores, CD-ROM, Information Services, Journals/Periodicals, Libraries, More sites, Multimedia resources, News, Search engines, Search services ($)

    Robots in TecfaMOO

  • Bots of Chris
  • Java Applets to get on TecfaMOO



    Transactional Distance

    Virtual Environments and Second Language Learning
    (Mémoire STAF)

    Web Technology


  • tidBits 111-18

    contact mail to:
    Chris Mueller (

    ++41 (0)52 301 3301 phone
    ++41 (0)52 301 3304 fax

    97 05 04