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Mac forever

Gathered by Chris



Hot and cool

Macintosh Users Groups

Mac users love their computers

Don Crabb: Macs cost less

Mac users work with faster and better tools

PowerPC heads for 533 MHz and up to 1 GHz

Horror stories from an editor of PC Magazine

With a Windows PC you are in tinkering heaven

Mac user do not need to be convinced about the advantages of their first class computer.

up - Abstract - Literature - UG - Feelings - Costs - Performance - 533MHz - Horror - Tinkering


MacNow Magazine, May 1997


MacOS Buyers Guide

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Hot and cool
WWDC 1997: Rhapsody, by John Norstad

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Macintosh User Groups
Mac UG List

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Mac users love their computers
2 of 3 Mac users express extremely positive feelings,
only 1 of 9 Wintel/DOS users does the same.

Only 1 of more than 100 Mac users expresses negative feelings,
but 1 of 4 Wintel users does it.

Robert Sharl: Online survey:

"In our last survey we asked participants to tell us how they felt about the computers they used, and about technology in general.

"We've analysed the first 1300 responses, and for simplicity we've included only Windows/DOS users and Mac users, who made up the vast bulk of respondants.

"Almost all participants express feelings towards their computers in human terms, with only 3% of the total expressing Indifference.
Extremely positive feelings (Love) were most common amongst Mac users (67% of them, compared to 11% of Wintel/DOS users).
Negative feelings were far more common amongst Wintel users (23%) than Mac users (less than 1%). Only a small percentage of participants expressed outright hatred for their systems.

"The general approach of participants to technology is interesting. Though, as we would expect, the majority of responses were from those who consider themselves to be positive towards technology (evangelists, early adopters, etc.) a significant proportion of the total (15.25%) class themselves as Positive Mainstream or below, suggesting the Internet is continuing to make progress in the general population.Early adopters accounted for 25% of the responses, with 41% classing themselves as technology 'evangelists' (44% of mac users, 23% Wintel)."

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Macs cost less
At least 20 percent less per seat:
better configurability at reasonable prices.
Don Crabb: Macs have lower total cost of ownership (TCO)

"I applied these ideas and other transition-computing models to a study of a consulting client of mine - a company with about 1,000 computers split 50-50 between Mac and Windows, with Unix and Windows NT servers. What I came up with surprised my client: The calculation showed that as the company rotates out older assets and brings up intranet applications, Macs will be an ace in the hole because of better configurability at reasonable prices. The Macs will cost them at least 20 percent less per seat.

"This is just one midsize, Midwestern company. But Mac managers everywhere should not just sit there and take these third-party studies claiming that the Mac has lost its TCO advantage. As I found out, nothing could be further from the truth."

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Mac users work with faster and better tools
Mac OS is faster and more user friendly in same time.

PowerPC beats Pentium.

Performance Mac vs. Windows

- The Mac OS vs Windows OS's, a comparison: Mac is far ahead.
- PowerPC vs Pentium: PowerPC is the winner.

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PowerPC heads for 533MHz and up to 1GHz
PowerPC processors Superfast Macs

"Exponential Technology has developed a microprocessor that promises to double the speed of PowerPCs to 533 MHz, making the Macintosh the world's fastest desktop computer."

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Horror stories from an editor of PC Magazine
Windows and Pentium: lots of problems for you. John C. Dvorak: Personal Computing: The Thrill Is Gone

"I'm not sure what was wrong with the Pentium/200, but it was probably a combination of things. Sometimes it took almost a full minute to load Explorer. And the machine was always going to the hard disk for no reason and grinding for what seemed like an eternity. The K6 has 64MB of main memory and the 200 had 16MB. I'm sure that had something to do with it.

"But let's not overlook the fact that the machines get clogged with weird programs and DLLs which the operating system cannot sort out. I won't even mention the performance-clogging Registry, with entries long since forgotten and impossible to remove.

"The major problem with clogged systems is that there is no easy way to correct the problem. I'd advise you to back up everything, reformat the disk, and reinstall Windows 95. But once you've done that, none of the programs run anymore without complete reinstallation from their master disks, which you've usually scattered around. This situation is not acceptable. I can name program after program that won't run because of some missing DLL or other. It seems to me that scattering files all over the disk so a program can run is pure lunacy."

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With a Windows PC you are in tinkering heaven
It's pretty hard to screw up a Mac. Jeff Pittelkau: Why Windows Computers Sell

"American males just have to tinker with something. Maybe that's why Macs haven't captured the large market share Microsoft PC have. Macs just plain work - no tinkering required. Wanna add a different CD-ROM drive or a second hard disk? No problem. Change graphics boards and forget to erase the old driver software? No big deal. It's pretty hard to screw up a Mac.

"Try upgrading a Windows PC - especially a Windows NT PC - and oh boy. You just might have a mess on your hands."

up - Abstract - Literature - UG - Feelings - Costs - Performance - 533MHz - Horror - Tinkering

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