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Waldt, Dale

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Waldt, Dale

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Mr. Waldt currently provides XML and electronic system/product development support through aXtive Minds, his new company. Dale also serves in a program and alliance development role for OASIS. Previously, Mr. Waldt was VP Product Technology at RIA, the tax publishing business unit of the Thomson Corporation where, for 11 years, he led teams in SGML and XML data design, electronic product and system development, and was an active member on the business management team at RIA. In the 1980's, Dale participated in product design and system development at the IRS in Washington, DC. Dale co-authored The SGML Implementation Guide (Springer 1985) and was founder and publisher of (TAG) The SGML Newsletter for 11 years. Dale has taught, spoken, and written on SGML/XML and related standards and technology worldwide for many years.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert