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Developing The XML Developer: Skills, Experiences & Resources

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Developing The XML Developer: Skills, Experiences & Resources

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Date of Presentation

Thursday, 23 May

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Effective XML System development requires a combination of the right resources, skills, experience, and practices to be efficient in this rapidly changing world. In an environment where standards and tools are introduced and become obsolete on an increasingly frequent basis, where approaches and expectations for development have evolved into open source, modular and rapid development methodologies, the XML developer needs a road map of training, tools, and experiences to remain effective. It is now possible to develop industrial strength applications in a fraction of the time and cost once felt to be reasonable. It is also possible to fall behind in critical technology areas without a clear development plan for your developers. Developers come on all shapes and sizes, including engineers, architects, designers and analysts, project leads, and quality assurance testers. Providing the right mix of training and experience opportunities is a powerful employee retention tool as well as a good management practice that leads to effective development teams. This session will describe the changing environment in which our XML developers must exist and thrive, including standards and how to stay on top of their development, tools, resources, skills, and training and experience opportunities. Mr. Waldt will draw upon 18 years experience participating in and leading XML, Web, and Software development teams for major publishing corporations and the U.S. Government. Attendees will be able to formulate a clear development plan for themselves and others involved in XML development that will help keep their developers and organization on top of the rapidly changing environment in which they work.

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