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Efficiencies Of The XML-Enabled Business Process

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Efficiencies Of The XML-Enabled Business Process

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Date of Presentation

Tuesday, 21 May

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XML and related standards enable profound changes to traditional information processes, system architectures, and IT strategies. XML, especially when used with Web technologies, changes the way we do business, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), system design and architecture, and even developer and managerial skills. This discussion will examine several common business processes and the impact and opportunity of XML and Web technology to improve performance, schedules, costs, and usability. How XML and related standards and technology change the development process, the system and process design, and the costs and benefits that result will be examined. Systems discussed will include traditional publishing, Web publishing, Web-based business systems (e.g., CRM), a Web-based commerce exchange, and a digital asset management system. This discussion will include a quick overview of the XML family of standards, their roles, other existing and emerging standards and industry applications (e.g., Web Services, ebXML, etc.) and how they an optimize development and performance of critical business processes and systems. Lastly, The relationship and tension between Enterprise and Departmental system requirements will be examined. Mr. Waldt will draw upon more than 18 years experience designing and building publishing and business systems using XML, SGML, other structured information standards and tools, for several major corporations and the US Government. Attendees will be able to see how XML and Open Web tools can enable dramatic changes and improvements to their business processes, systems, and performance.

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