Retrieving Information From DB

<%@ page errorPage="error.jsp" import="java.sql.*" %> <%! // --------------- inits for the servlet -------------- // The database connection Connection con; // The statement Statement stmt; // The queryString String queryString = "select * from studentTest"; // ---- configure this for your site String username = "nobody"; String password = null; // The URL that will connect to TECFA's MySQL server // Syntax: jdbc:TYPE:machine:port/DB_NAME // String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/staf2x"; String url = "jdbc:mysql://"; %> <% // --------------- code for the service method -------------- // Let's see if we got a request queryString = request.getParameter ("QUERYSTRING"); if ((queryString != "") && (queryString != null)) { try { Class.forName(""); // Establish Connection to the database at URL with usename and password con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); out.println ("Ok, connection to the DB is working."); } catch (Exception e) // (ClassNotFoundException and SQLException) { throw(new UnavailableException(this, "Sorry! The Database didn't load!")); } try { out.println ("

You asked:

"); out.println ( "Query: " + queryString + "
" ); out.println("

Query Result

"); out.println(""); stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryString); ResultSetMetaData rsMeta = rs.getMetaData(); // Get the N of Cols in the ResultSet int noCols = rsMeta.getColumnCount(); out.println(""); for (int c=1; c<=noCols; c++) { String el = rsMeta.getColumnLabel(c); out.println(""); } out.println(""); while ( { out.println(""); for (int c=1; c<=noCols; c++) { String el = rs.getString(c); out.println(""); } out.println(""); } out.println("
" + el + "
" + el + "
"); } catch (SQLException ex ) { out.println ( "

" );
    while (ex != null) {
    out.println("Message: " + ex.getMessage ());
    out.println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState ());
    out.println("ErrorCode: " + ex.getErrorCode ());
    ex = ex.getNextException();
    out.println ( "

" ); } } %>

Please try to retrieve something by selecting one of the commands given in the examples.


Command Examples:

    SELECT * FROM studentTest
    SELECT surname, first_name FROM studentTest
    SELECT id, surname, first_name FROM studentTest
Try once more? Source: try.jsp.text