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Slama, Dirk

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Slama, Dirk

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As CEO and co-founder, Dirk Slama provides strategic and operational direction for all facets of the company's business, with a focus to achieving industry leadership in the business integration marketplace. An internationally recognised expert in enterprise application integration (EAI), Dirk is the author of 'Enterprise CORBA', a top-selling book on systems integration strategies. Prior to co-founding Shinka, Dirk worked at IONA Technologies, a leading provider of EAI solutions. He was a key member of the IONA Professional Services group, serving as technical consultant and system architect for large-scale enterprise systems. He then became IONA's Technical Channels Manager in Japan where he led business development and managed distribution channels. Dirk is a frequent speaker at technology conferences and panels focused on Web Services, XML and Enterprise Application. Dirk studied at Technische Universitat Berlin and holds a Masters Degree in Computer Science.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert