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Maresca, Massimo

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Maresca, Massimo

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Job Title

Full Professor




In 1992 he was promoted Associate Professor and in 1994 he joined the University of Padua (Italy) as a Full Professor of Computer Engineering. His research interests are in the area of parallel/distributed computing, implicit parallelism at the instruction level and software architectures for . Dr. Maresca is a consultant of AIPA, an Italian independent authority that co-ordinates the deployment of computer and telecommunication technologies in the Italian public administration. He is also the Italian representative in the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). He is presently the co-ordinator of a national project on the so called ìthe Cargo Community System, funded by the Italian Ministry of Scientific Research for the development of telematics services for transport and logistics operators. Dr. Maresca published several papers on the above topics in refereed journals, books and conference proceedings, was and is a program committee member of several scientific conferences and is presently an Editor of the Proceedings of the IEEE, as well as a member of IEEE and ACM

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