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Web Services Standards

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Web Services Standards

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Date of Presentation

Tuesday, 21 May

Time of Presentation


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This talk will cover the gamut of current and proposed Web Services runtime specifications and standards. The talk starts with an overview of the more refined specifications, SOAP and WSDL. Beyond SOAP and WSDL, it's clear that more is needed for web services. Features like reliable messaging, security, asynchrony, routing, packaging, workflow, sessions and quality of service measures are going to receive considerable treatment from standards bodies and vendors. This talk examines a variety of efforts in extending SOAP to meet these features. Included will be a close examination of the technical aspects, and a comparison where there are overlaps. Some of the efforts related to these topics include W3C Web Services Architecture Working Group, Web Services Routing Protocol, ebXML Messaging Service, and others. Given time constraints, this talk does not address UDDI.

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