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Wrightson, Ann M

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Wrightson, Ann M

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Job Title

Principal Consultant




Ann Wrightson has specialized in generic coding, SGML & XML since 1979. She is well known in the XML/SGML field, presenting at conferences and participating actively in the continued development of international standards for XML/SGML-family technology. Following a varied and successful early career in electronic publishing, Ann spent ten years lecturing, researching, and consulting in an academic context, including, in 1998, developing the first UK postgraduate course in XML technology. Moving back to industry, she was employed by a major UK publisher as an XML/SGML technical authority, and as a consultant by a leading-edge XML technology development company. Ann is also a founding board member of KnoW, a non-profit research and development organization bringing together industrial, commercial, governmental and academic partners for projects furthering the development of Web technologies. Ann is now a Principal Consultant with alphaXML Ltd, a specialist consultancy providing R&D and implementation support services to government and industry.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert