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An Open, Metadata-driven Architecture For Managing XML Development Resources Across A Large Complex Organization

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An Open, Metadata-driven Architecture For Managing XML Development Resources Across A Large Complex Organization

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Date of Presentation

Thursday, 23 May

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Effective implementation of an XML-driven interoperability architecture within a large organization depends crucially on the ability to make a diverse and distributed collection of XML-related design and development resources available to developers. Although it is tempting to do this by introducing some form of centralized, managed repository, experience shows that centrally imposed comprehensive solutions are very unlikely to be effective and accepted across a large and diverse organization such as a national government, a large government agency, or a corporation made up of many companies acquired at different times and having distinctive technology assets. Each part of these organizations has its own local needs and priorities, and needs to be free to decide how best to organize its development efforts, IT strategy, change control and project management. This paper outlines a standards-based, metadata-driven approach to this key problem in large-scale interoperability support, covering general issues and selected technical strategies. Although informed by my experience advising UK Government and other clients on these issues, this paper represents my own opinions, not the policy or strategy of any organization. Policy and consultation documents regarding the UK Government Interoperability Framework and related technical issues can be found on the UKGovTalkâ„¢ website

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