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An XML Learning Framework

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An XML Learning Framework

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Date of Presentation

Thursday, 23 May

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I propose a paper that addresses the question, 'What is Knowledge of XML ' and answers that question in terms of a matrix of knowledge. I call that matrix an 'XML Learning Framework'. This matrix is an analysis of XML knowledge as such. It consists of two axes: identification of the categories of XML knowledge, followed by assessment of degrees of knowledge for each category. The paper will present in general terms the categories of XML knowledge, and then explicate the levels of learning possible for each category. The categories identified are: Definition of XML XML Processing XML Syntax XML Data Modeling XML Companion Specifications Other Technologies System Implementation Each category may be analyzed in terms of degrees of knowledge. The degrees of knowledge are important because they allow an exact assessment of where a given piece of knowledge fits into the matrix. The greatest value of the learning framework derives from this aspect of the matrix. The accompanying file, XML_Framework.doc, not only lays out the categories of knowledge, but also the degrees of learning for the Syntax category. It not only indicates these components of the Framework, but also illustrates what the remainder of the Framework looks like. Handouts will be provided that delineate fully the levels of learning for each category of knowledge of XML (as I analyze it, of course). The XML Learning Framework provides an excellent opportunity to discuss what it means to know XML and how such knowledge could/should be organized. The Framework is more than an intriguing account of what it means to know XML. It is also a useful tool that anyone can modify to their own needs or recreate as they see fit. As a methodical assessment of knowledge of XML, the Framework may be applied in any domain where knowledge of XML is required. For example, one can use it to develop individual or collective learning paths for XML. Others are obviously possible.

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