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Pasewark, Richard

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Rich Pasewark was promoted to the office of VP of Sales and Marketing in October of 1999, bringing over 15 years of high-technology sales and marketing experience to the XyEnterprise management team. Prior to joining XyEnterprise in March of 1997 as Director of Business Development, Mr. Pasewark worked in sales and business development for Adobe Systems and Frame Technology. Mr. Pasewark began his professional career with numerous technical and sales positions with Datalogics, a developer of automated publishing and editorial technologies, where he was responsible for running an SGML consulting group and managing the launch of many new SGML products. In this capacity, he garnered extensive knowledge of creating and implementing structured language solutions and further fostered his extensive technical expertise. Under Mr. Pasewark's leadership and vision, XyEnterprise has revitalized its sales and marketing efforts as well as repositioned the company's extensive product line. Mr. Pasewark is currently working on growing the XyEnterprise brand and developing new markets and channel strategies. A native of Pennsylvania, Mr. Pasewark is a graduate of Gettysburg College. He most recently lived in Chicago, IL, before moving to Massachusetts with his family. He is fluent in Spanish and is an avid basketball fan and player.

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