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XML Solution From XyEnterprise Provides Advantages In Competitive Publishing Market

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XML Solution From XyEnterprise Provides Advantages In Competitive Publishing Market

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Date of Presentation

Wednesday, 22 May

Time of Presentation


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Productivity gains and improved customer service are two of the leading factors driving organizations to deploy content technologies. XyEnterprise will present a case study with one of their leading customers for which the ability to deliver critical information assets to their customers in a timely manner is extremely important. The customer, one of the world's largest commercial publishers, will share how they are using Content@ (pronounced content a), XyEnterprise's content management solution, to manage the use, re-use, and re-publishing of content. They will also dicuss how they are using XML Professional Publisher (XPP) from XyEnterprise for high speed PDF and print output. The presentation will focus on the business benefits that have been realized since implementing the solution.

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