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Vandamme, Frank

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Base Name (unscoped)
Vandamme, Frank

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Job Title

Senior Technical Advisor, Standards




Frank Vandamme is a Senior Technical Adviser on Standards, working for SWIFT, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. He has been actively involved in defining the way forward for many technical aspects related to the standardisation of financial messaging. This has led to a business modelling approach, the separation between business standards and their physical representation, and the use of XML. Frank is also active on the same domain in other global standardisation bodies, such as UN/CEFACT (where he is a member of ebTWG and TMWG) and in ISO (where he's involved in TC68 and TC154). Frank graduated as a civil engineer in 1983. He has an IT background and has mainly been working in the banking sector before joining SWIFT in 1995.

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