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Getting Interactive With SVG

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Getting Interactive With SVG

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Date of Presentation

Tuesday, 21 May

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Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), a W3C recommendation since September 2001, is gaining momentum in 2002 through acceptance as a viable and unique format in the web vectors field. Being part of the versatile XML family, it is tightly integrated with other XML technologies. In this session we will explore how to take advantage of the Document Object Model (DOM) extensions as specified in the SVG recommendation in order to create highly interactive graphics and animations. To begin with we will give an introduction to Core DOM usage to read, navigate and update an XML document in client-side scripting (in this case, with EcmaScript). Then we will focus on SVG DOM interfaces and go through a concrete set of examples ranging from gratuitous Flash-like eye candy tricks to a full-featured GUI drag n' drop module. The examples will introduce attendees to mouse event handling, boundig box and transormation computations and several other graphics computations made easy by the SVG DOM.

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