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Jung, Benjamin

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Jung, Benjamin

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Benjamin has more than 10 years experience in developing Hypertext systems. Prior to the web-age, he built CBT systems for the pharmaceutical and medical industry. In 1995, he developed a web-based project management system for the Systems Realization Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. Benjamin holds a degree (Dipl. Inform. Univ.) from Technische Universität Munchen (Germany) in Computer Science and Theoretical Medicine. From 1998 he worked for two years as a Research Assistant and Technical Team leader at the Centre for Health Informatics, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland. He concentrated on the deployment and development of XML (extensible Markup Language) based vocabularies for the exchange of electronic patient records. At present, he is a full-time lecturer in the Knowledge and Data Engineering Group (TCD), teaching databases, document architectures and XML technologies. Since 1997, Benjamin has presented papers and chaired sessions at various Computer Science and Medical conferences. He developed full-day XML tutorials and workshops that were given at conferences in Europe and the US. In 2000 Benjamin co-founded deepX Ltd., a company specialising in data engineering and electronic publishing using XML technologies.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert