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SVG Animation For The People

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SVG Animation For The People

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Date of Presentation

Tuesday, 21 May

Time of Presentation


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Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG, a W3C recommendation) is an XML grammar for describing 2D vector graphics, filter effects and animation. While its potential is very much reminiscent of the proprietary Flash SWF format, the two technologies differ in many areas, and most noticeably in their animation features. SVG's animation is mostly a reuse of the animation module of the established W3C XML Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) specification. SMIL has a time and property-based approach to animating graphical objects and boasts a rather simple syntax considering its stunning power. This talk will focus on exploring SVG animation with SMIL as illustrated by no-nonsense examples for designers and programmers alike. After this presentation, attendees will have a fair idea on how to animate SVG properties, synchronize and repeat animations, handle mouse interactivity and use spline-based speed control.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert