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Probert, Sue

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Probert, Sue

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SUE PROBERT - Senior Director, Document Standards, Commerce One Labs - Voting Member of OASIS UBL Technical Committee - Leader of UN/CEFACT's ebXML Business Neutral Core Components Harmonisation Project Team - Chairman of e-centre UK Data Harmonisation Group - Head of UK Delegation to ISO TC 154Sue has more than thirty years experience in the IT industry which includes the building up of an independent software and consultancy company from 1992 to 2000 which provided a range of services focused on electronic business and, in particular, the cross-border documentation requirements of international trade, transportation and logistics communities. In 2000 her company was acquired by Commerce One, a leading e-marketplace company, and since then she has been leading Commerce One's document standards strategy team. She is widely acknowledged for her EDI and ebXML technical skills and for her cross-domain supply chain data requirements knowledge. Sue is also renowned for her rigorous defence and knowledge of international standards where she plays an active role in a wide range of appropriate UN/CEFACT, OASIS and ISO standards processes at National, European and International level.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert