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Using Secure XML & Transformation Technologies To Facilitate EDI(-)EDI And EDI(-)XML Over An Open Network

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Using Secure XML & Transformation Technologies To Facilitate EDI(-)EDI And EDI(-)XML Over An Open Network

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Date of Presentation

Tuesday, 21 May

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XML over an open network Abstract: Although labelled an old technology, EDI is very much alive and in use by businesses worldwide. Promoters of B2B exchanges are finding that they must integrate with EDI networks in order to tap into day-to-day business processes. Frameworks such as ebXML and RosettaNet provide a new XML-based method of performing EDI functionality, but the real issue is integration with existing EDI systems without forcing customer to install new software. This article outlines a method for achieving this goal, using XSL to transform to EDI message standards (in the example EDIFACT is used) and then routing the message over an X400 messaging system as an X435 attachment. This approach will be compared with other approaches, both open-standard and vendor-specific.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert