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Van Der Klaauw, Edwin

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Van Der Klaauw, Edwin

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Job Title

Senior Developer




Edwin van der Klaauw is the key developer of the Lexus Studio solution, a multiple publishing solution for print-disabled persons. He was born in Arnhem on August 17, 1972.aAs a baby, he cried when one wheel of his wooden train didn't turn with the others, beginning a lifelong fascination with mechanical engineering.a His interest in software likewise bloomed earlyawhen he bought his first home computer in 1986. Rather than merely play games, Edwin designed games. Four years later, his love of mechanics married his interest in software engineering with his biggest hobby project-- a three foot high robot with hand made mechanics, electronics, device drivers and software. While studying mechanical engineering at university, Edwin found a much more creative outlet in software engineering and so changed emphasis. Ina1995, Edwin graduatedafrom The Hague with a Bachelor’s in Software Engineering. He went to work for Cairo Information Systems asaa developeraof a logistic planning system for transporting sea containers for the biggest transport company in the world, spending a year in Holland before being transferred to England for six months. In 1997, Edwin decided to return to Holland and try something different, starting a new career with Mediasystemen in Haarlem,aa companyaspecialized inapublishing software solutions. During five yearsaof working in software architecture, consultancy and planning, he developed front-end solutions for editorial and advertising purposes.a The contradiction between free format editing and strict formal languages designed for inter process communication is currently his major preoccupation.

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