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Re-using Technical Documents Beyond Their Original Context

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Re-using Technical Documents Beyond Their Original Context

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Date of Presentation

Tuesday, 21 May

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Technical documents are generally classified, organized and indexed through specific and accurate structures, making them very efficient in their context of creation and use. But this same specificity make them difficult to export and re-use outside this very original context. To reorganize them for different users generally means overhead and costly process of new indexing, classification, and correlative reorganization of links and references. We'll show how to significantly reduce this cost by managing separately document units, represented as topics, content structure represented as associations of those topics, and a Published Subjects repository, used to index the topics. The integrated resulting network can be made available to any actor of the enterprise, industry or community likely to be interested in reusing content. Standard XML authoring tool and local vocabulary can be used to tag and index documents, as a background task during creation. This use-case will be presented in the general framework of OASIS Topic Maps Published Subjects Technical Committee, gathering actors of the industry to deliver recommendations and best practices for the use of Published Subjects.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert