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JAXH Introduction And Theory

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JAXH Introduction And Theory

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Date of Presentation

Thursday, 23 May

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JAXH is the latest Open Source Java(tm) API to facilitate a java programmer to ability to work with XHTML / HTML. Well formed or not, JAXH has been integrated with a java version of the W3Cs Tidy tool to ensure well formedness. JAXH was designed and created to be a lightweight, non-proprietary API for java programmers to intelligently work with the HTML source and work in complete parallel with the graphic/web designer. Several studies / graphs exist to support this separation of labor. Being a pure XML and HTML API, JAXH eliminates the “third language” effect found in all web delivery systems today including JSP and XSLT. JAXH is based on both SAX and DOM interfaces to insure maximum usability and portability. This paper describes how JAXH facilitates the MVC paradigm and is the logic progression of web and data delivery using XML.

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