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Hemrich, Martina

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Hemrich, Martina

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Martina Hemrich works as a project manager and IT consultant at empolis GmbH (formerly STEP Electronic Publishing Solutions GmbH), her main focus lying on consulting in XML and related standards and managing the implementation of XML-based solutions realized with the empolis product family. She started at STEP in 1995 specializing in DTD design and the rendering of structured data (both layout and linking concepts). The focus in her conceptual work lies on the analysis and design of information architectures targeting the management of structured content and the workflows fit for achieving and creating new business goals of empolis' customers. The main aspects of her consulting work are the analysis of publication and workflow processes, Information Process Reengineering, creating new concepts for the production of information that meet the requirements of both contents, stakeholders, audience, and medium. She coaches the introduction of new publication processes, trains on XML concepts, information design and workflow strategies. The projects she has been involved in for the last years mostly deal with legal content and reference works.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert