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Holman, Ken

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Mr. G. Ken Holman is the Chief Technology Officer for Crane Softwrights Ltd., a Canadian corporation offering OmniMark programming, DSSSL and XSL/XSLT language training, and general SGML and XML related computer systems analysis services to international customers. Mr. Holman is the current Canadian chair of the ISO subcommittee responsible for the SGML family of standards, the current chair of the OASIS XSLT/XPath Conformance Technical Subcommittee, an invited expert to the W3C, the former chair of the OASIS XML Conformance Technical Subcommittee, the author of electronically-published and print-published books on XML-related technologies, and has often been a speaker at related conferences. Prior to establishing Crane, Mr. Holman spent over 13 years in a software development and consulting services company working in the NAPLPS and the SGML industries.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert