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XML As An Engine Of Change In Healthcare

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XML As An Engine Of Change In Healthcare

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Date of Presentation

Thursday, 23 May

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This paper takes forward some initial research on the relationship between attitudes and technology in the context of leading edge administrative applications within the NHS. EPR systems were selected for study as they are still unfolding and there is significant use of emerging technologies, particularly XML. The research follows work that has been done on the organisational impact of other emergent technologies like workflow systems. What these technologies have in common is apparently the characteristic of changing business processes, and with that, changing people's perceptions about their work and their roles. The study sets out to assess the motivations behind using XML in EPR systems, and the effects on the organisation afterwards. It considers the effect on organisational culture, and the implications for service delivery. For example, if these XML-based systems enable us to change, speed up or enhance the accuracy of our administrative response, do they also make us, intuitively perhaps, change the way we work Or change the way we relate to our co-workers Further, do these systems promote the development of a proactive, service oriented, response to the needs of patients and staff If attitude and cultural change is happening instinctively, and to the benefit of patients and staff, shouldn't we be trying, in a planned way, to incorporate this 'cultural' dimension into our systems development and delivery Finally, will such an approach be contrary to traditional NHS thinking and behaviour

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