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Oracle9i Release 2: Native SQLX, XPath, And XML Schema Features

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Oracle9i Release 2: Native SQLX, XPath, And XML Schema Features

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Date of Presentation

Wednesday, 22 May

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For two years, Oracle has worked quietly to integrate XML storage, query, and update functionality deeply into its core database engine. The fruit of this labor is Oracle9i Release 2, shiping in Q1/Q2 of 2002, that supports XML Schema and XPath, using the new extensions to the SQL language being defined as part of the SQLX standard. The same underlying, high-performance XML/Relational database infrastructure has been engineered to support the emerging XML Query syntax as well. I'll demonstrate all of the new XML Schema, XPath, and SQLX features available in this new database release, to illustrate how a single, robust database can manage XML, full text, multi-media, and object/relational data using straightforward XML-centric extensions to the familiar SQL query language. The demonstrations also highlight how XPath indexing and under-the-covers query rewriting enables you to work with XML data using the same performance you expect from Oracle for traditional relational data.

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