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B2Bi Using EbXML - Modelling To Runtime

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B2Bi Using EbXML - Modelling To Runtime

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Date of Presentation

Wednesday, 22 May

Time of Presentation


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ebXML is a set of specifications that together enable a modular, yet complete electronic business framework. This session will look at various specifications that are being developed as part of the ebXML initiative and their relevance to designing an automated B2B collaboration. As part of designing the B2B collaboration, all the pieces in the puzzle are put together by using the modules that are part of ebXML. Architecting a complex automated B2B collaboration involving multiple trading partners can be a very daunting job. This session will present the various steps involved in designing and implementing XML Message based collaboration layered on the ebXML framework. This process, starting from the design to implementation to runtime phase, will be explained using Sybase Business Process Integration Suite (BPIS). Attendees will get a look at a real life business scenario with multiple layers, including the business process integration, partner profile management, registry/repository & XML messaging by the end of session.

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