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Connecting XML, RDF And Web Technologies For Representing Knowledge On The Semantic Web

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Connecting XML, RDF And Web Technologies For Representing Knowledge On The Semantic Web

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Date of Presentation

Wednesday, 22 May

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In order to represent knowledge for it to be usable web-wide and in interoperable ways, it should be done using well-known, and the most appropriate web technologies. These include the XML family of standards and the Resource Description Framework (RDF). RDF is a metadata format that uses a directed, labeled graph structure, URIs for identifiers, XML for its its syntax, and a simple type and class structure for recording schema information. RDF can be used with many XML technologies such as XML Namespaces, RELAX NG, XML Schema, XSLT and has relationships to others such as XTM, XPath, XQuery, SQL and relational databases. When these technologies are used, the knowledge has to be described in web-wide concepts which are usually provided in what are variously called schemas, ontologies, thesauri or vocabularies. These vocabularies can include general ones such as the Dublin Core, ones from particular communities, from existing controlled vocabularies and new ones for particular purposes. These need to be able to be mixed and matched, discovered and new concepts understood (if only partially) in order that relationships between the concepts can be made. These methods and forms are the technological basis of the Semantic Web idea. This paper describes how these technologies are best used together, their relationships and where each of them can be appropriately applied. This is done using examples of how they are being used in different applications, communities and industries. The ongoing development of the mentioned standards is also be explained.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert