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Filing And Processing Patent Data Using XML - A World Standard

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Filing And Processing Patent Data Using XML - A World Standard

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Date of Presentation

Wednesday, 22 May

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After close consultation with member States of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Union, and taking into account active participation from the European Patent Office (EPO), Japan Patent Office (JPO) and United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has finalized instructions and standards to implement the electronic filing, processing, and storage of international applications for patents. The standards are intended to allow applicants to file an international patent application (E-PCT application) in electronic form which is acceptable to those Patent Offices around the world which have agreed to accept electronic filing. An important part of the standards is a set of XML DTDs to support E-PCT applications - including the authoring of patents using XML. In addition it is intended that national Patent Offices will use the standards as the basis for their own national electronic applications for patents. For complete details see:

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