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Jelliffe, Rick

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Jelliffe, Rick

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Rick Jelliffe is the founder and CTO of Topologi, a new company which develops innovative and productive tools for XML deployment. The company has three areas of expertise: productive editing tools for publishers, schemas, and internationalization. It is just bringing to market the 'Topologi Markup Editor', a new design for XML editors.He has been a member of the W3C XML Schemas Working Group, the W3C Internationalization Interest Group, the W3C XML Interest Group, the China/Japan/Korea Document Processing Group, and was Austalian delegate tothe ISO Working Group on Document and Document Processing Languages, which developed SGML and DSSSL. He has worked in Australia, Taiwan and Japan and was the intigator of the 'Chinese XML Now!' project at Academia Sinica, Taipei, an unpublicized technical website that receives over 500,000 hits per year. He is the inventor of the Schematron schema language, the author of 'The XML & SGML Cookbook', and a frequent contributor to XML forums and of open source code.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert