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Reynolds, Joshua

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Reynolds, Joshua

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Josh is a Software Engineering Consultant for ISOGEN. With a background in hardcore mathematics and a eye for versioning, Josh is a vital member of the Bonnell content and link management system team. Josh enjoys coffee shops, staying fit, flying, and providing witty insight to keep team spirits high.


Joshua is a formally trained mathematician who has been working with computers and thinking deep thoughts for many years. He has extensive experience addressing content mangement problems in a highly versioned/linked problem domain and dealing with the complexities that arise. When addressing any challenges, his goals are to surmount them using a solid extensible architecture and implement any solutions using test-driven development and whatever tools are appropriate. His toolset includes UML, CORBA, Pattern Based Design, XML/SGML, Java, C++, and Python among others.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert