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Kimber, W. Eliot

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Kimber, W. Eliot

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W. Eliot Kimber is a Lead Brain at ISOGEN. Eliot is a founding member of the XML Working Group, Co-editor of ISO/IEC 10744:1977 (HyTime), and Co-Editor of ISO/IEC 10743, Standard Music Description Language. Eliot is also involved in the STEP and SGML Harmonization effort, which led to a deeper appreciation of the power and utility of formal data modeling as a design and analysis tool. Eliot writes and speaks frequently on the subject of SGML, XML, hyperlinking, and related topics. When not trying to wrestle chaotic data into orderly structures, Eliot enjoys swimming, biking and guitar playing. Eliot is a devoted husband and dog owner.


Eliot is a long-time contributor to the XML and SGML community, with over 15 years of experience in industrial-strength generic markup applications. He is a founding member of the XML Working Group, a co-editor of the HyTime standard (ISO 10744), and co-editor of the Standard Music Description Language draft standard (ISO 10743). For the last 9 years (the last 6 with ISOGEN International) Eliot has worked as an information systems consultant specializing in developing standards-based systems for managing documents with a focus on technical documentation and publishing systems. Eliot speaks and writes frequently on XML and related subjects. Eliot is a devoted husband and dog owner who enjoys snowboarding and body boarding on those rare occasions when he finds himself at the coast or in the mountains.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert