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Feickert, Timo

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Base Name (unscoped)
Feickert, Timo

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Job Title

Chief Engineer




Holding a university degree in computer science in economics, Timo started off by co-authoring the first PC-networked based hospital information system for the German market named 'Forum Klinikum'. In the process, he contributed to the German translation and adaptation of the HL7 standard for inter-application communication in healthcare. One of the practical applications of this standardization effort was found in several large scale RIS (Radiology Information System) & PACS (Picture Archival and Communication System) projects that Timo worked on as a development manager for Philips Medical Systems. For a change to something completely different, Timo joined POET Software in 1999 (courtesy of Prince) to focus on object database technology in general and XML/SGML storage solutions in particular. At the 'XML World 2000' in Boston, MA, he presented his work on 'merging' standard API's for XML processing with API's for database access under the title 'Adapting the DOM to multiuser environments'. For Sorman Information today, Timo is responsible for the Java/J2EE interfaces of the 'Content Management Suite' software product which provide J2EE applications access to proprietary CMS functionality through standard API's with 'just the right' extensions - at least that's the thesis to be discussed ...

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