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Robie, Jonathan

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Robie, Jonathan

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Jonathan Robie is an XML Research Specialist at Software AG. He is an editor of XQuery, the W3C XML Query Language, and also an editor of the W3C XML Query Requirements, Use Cases, and Data Model. He was also a co-author of two earlier XML query languages: Quilt, a precursor of XQuery, and XQL, a precursor of XPath. In addition to his work on XML query languages, he is a member of the W3C XML Schema Working Group, and was an editor of the W3C Document Object Model for both Level 1 and Level 2. Prior to his work with XML, Mr. Robie was an object database specialist at POET Software, where he implemented transactions in the kernel, designed and presented workshops on object database programming, and provided key-customer support.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert