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The Current State Of XML Database Technology

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The Current State Of XML Database Technology

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Date of Presentation

Wednesday, 22 May

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Although the outlook for XML database technology is promising, many IT organizations are hesitant to adopt a strategy that is based on this emerging area. Consequently, it has been a challenge for XML database vendors to carve out a significant piece of the XML storage and processing market as most companies still rely on relational databases, file systems or object databases as the storing mechanism for their XML systems. However, during the last 12 months XML database technology has matured greatly. Third-party tool support to update and distribute data stored in XML databases has grown at an impressive rate as well. Most importantly, XML databases are just now beginning to yield returns for many early adopters who have implemented this technology within their companies. This session will explore the current state of XML database technology and identify promising areas for its applications. After discussing the pros and cons of adopting an XML database strategy opposed to more tradition means of storing XML data, a detailed comparison of the leading database products will be presented.

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