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Connecting The Distributed Enterprise

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Connecting The Distributed Enterprise

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Date of Presentation

Wednesday, 22 May

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Web Services technology is providing organizations with an open standards approach to the integration of applications and business processes in the distributed enterprise environment. This presentation examines how leading organizations, with globally distributed operations, have built their information infrastructure on an open XML framework and how those operations can be migrated to web services in order to spread the benefits of open standards throughout the enterprise. We will examine three applications of XML at the BBC, Jaguar Cars and Stemcor, the world's largest independent steel trader. The BBC Monitoring Unit provides constant surveillance of broadcast TV and radio throughout the world, translates information to English, gathers it as XML and distributes it through a web portal to its internal news services, government agencies and affiliated national bodies. Jaguar Cars use XML to create all dealer training information. A distributed, web-based production system manages the production, translation and delivery of training material. Authors and technical illustrators log on to a central XML repository where all work in progress is stored. A simple XML-based workflow system guides the process of creating student workbooks and instructor guides, translating those guides to six languages and producing final copy for the web and paper distribution. Stemcor is one of the world's largest independent steel traders, located in over 30 countries and conducting over $1.3 billion of business each year. The business involves buying from steel mills, transporting steel internationally and selling steel to consumers. Stemcor's Offers and Negotiation system manages the process of uniting buyers and sellers of steel across national boundaries. The system uses XML and web technology to allow rapid development, deployment and adoption by users in any trading location. Stemcor traders enter details of offers to sell steel. Offers are picked up by other traders in particular market locations and refined to suit particular customers. Customers can then negotiate with bids to buy steel until the offer and bid are united and a contract can be formed. The three organizations considered here embarked on the development of web-based, XML systems as the solution to real business problems. All three have subsequently found that the emerging Web Services technology can provide a platform for standardizing XML-based business processes and extending them through out the organization.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert