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Bia, Alejandro

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Bia, Alejandro

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Alejandro G. Bia has a BS and a MS degree in Computer Sciences from ORT University, a Diploma in Computing and Information Systems from Oxford University and is finishing his PhD thesis on Computing Methods to Automate the Production of Digital Resources in Digital Libraries at the University of Alicante. Currently he is working as Subdirector of Research and Development at the Miguel de Cervantes Digital Library of the University of Alicante, where the results of his ongoing research are being put to practice. He has also worked as Special-Projects Manager at NetGate (1996), Documentation Editor of the GeneXus project at Advanced Research and Technology (ARTech) (1991-1994), and worked at the Telephonic Traffic Processing Unit of ANTEL (1994-1989). He has been a lecturer on Operating Systems, Computer Organization, Computer Networks and English for Computer Sciences at ORT University (1990-1996). His current interests are digitisation automation by computer methods, digital preservation, digitisation metrics and cost estimates, texts structuring and markup languages. He is an active member of the TEI Consortium.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert