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The GooseWorks Toolkit For Topic Map Information Processing

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The GooseWorks Toolkit For Topic Map Information Processing

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Date of Presentation

Tuesday, 21 May

Time of Presentation


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The GooseWorks toolkit (GwTk) is an open source, Apache-licensed, implementation in C of the proposed ISO Reference Model for Topic Maps. This presentation will use the latest release of GwTk to show how a topic map application can be 'omnivorous' with respect to markup -- that is, given a processing model, any markup can be consumed by the engine and represented as a topic map graph as specified in the Reference Model. Processing models that extract the inherent topic map information from Dublin Core and DocBook will be demonstrated. In addition, a prototype of a parallel processing GwTk topic map application using Linda technology will be shown for the first time. The omnivorous character of the Reference Model, combined with an easy-to-use, free toolkit designed to appeal to system administrators and developers, is expected to greatly enhance knowledge sharing.

Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert