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Hartley, James

Base Name

Base Name (unscoped)
Hartley, James

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Job Title

Senior Architect, Chief Technology Office




Mr. Hartley has worked with Reuters Group for approximately five years where he has concentrated on the development of leading edge technologies, including delivery mechanisms and user interface platforms, for the dissemination and representation of quotes, news, charts, and other financial information. In his role as senior architect with the Central Technology Office, Mr. Hartley is charged with global responsibilities in furthering new capabilities and products through software architecture and technical leadership. Mr. Hartley represents Reuters on various working groups especially Market Data Definitional Language (MDDL) (from Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)/Financial Information Services Division (FISD)) and eXtensibile Business Reporting Language (XBRL). Mr. Hartley has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (Computer option) from The Ohio State University and is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Colorado.

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