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Comparasion of Telecharge Time of Audio-Visual Files


    Since I don't have my own computer here, I can only work on the computers in the classrooms of TECFA. So of course I have no way know how a modem work there since all the computers are connected to the UNI net. Therefore I have done my work on two computers of this kind. Computer one is a Pentium(r) with a memory of 48.0 Mo RAM, and the performance state is like the following :
        ressources system: 76% libre
        file system: 32bits
        virtual memery: 32bits
        speed: DIMENSION XPS P90
Computer two is also a Pentium(r) with a memory of 48.0 Mo RAM, and the performance state is like the following :
        ressources system: 73% libre
        file system: 32bits
        virtual memery: 32bits
        speed: DIMENSION XPS P200s


The result is shown in the following table:
Type of files Computer One Computer Two
Fichier non compressé 
en AVI (5312K)
20 seconds 16 - 20 seconds
Fichier compressé
"Qualité haute" (301K)
10 seconds 3 seconds
Fichier compressé
"Qualité basse (141K)
13 seconds 5 seconds


    As far as quality is concerned, the non-compressed file is the best both in sound and image on either of the computers, while the "high quality" compressed file is better and the "low quality" compressed file is the worst. For the first one, both the sound and the image are fairely good. In the second one, they change a little bit. But for the last one, if we don't get used to it, we can not make out the sound and the image is completely indistiguishable.
    As for the speed, it is almost the same in both the computers. But there is a bigger difference in the other two files. It appears that the faster the computer the quicker it is to load the files.
    Even for the compressed ones, the "high quality" compressed one is quick to load than the "low quality" compressed one.