#!/usr/local/bin/rexx /* --- initialise variables --- */ filename = "events" homedir = "/home/web/home/tof_forms/" txt_file = homedir || filename || ".txt" /* -------------- CHANGE -------------------- */ html_file = homedir || filename || ".html" link_file = filename || ".html" call load_events call BubbleSort call WriteFile exit /* ---------------- Load events from file ------------- */ load_events: f = open(txt_file,"r") if f<0 then do title.0 = 0 return end n = 0 do until eof(f) n = n + 1 title.n = linein(f) url.n = linein(f) by.n = linein(f) type.n = linein(f) place.n = linein(f) fday.n = linein(f) fmonth.n = linein(f) fyear.n = linein(f) uday.n = linein(f) umonth.n = linein(f) uyear.n = linein(f) institute.n = linein(f) organisers.n = linein(f) comments.n = linein(f) end call close f title.0 = n-1 return /* ----------------- BubbleSort ------------------- */ BubbleSort: do i=2 to title.0 changed = 0 do j=title.0 to i by -1 jp = j-1 prev = fyear.jp"/"right(fmonth.jp,2,0)"/"right(fday.jp,2,0) cur = fyear.j"/"right(fmonth.j,2,0)"/"right(fday.j,2,0) if prev < cur then do str = title.j title.j = title.jp title.jp = str str = url.j url.j = url.jp url.jp = str str = by.j by.j = by.jp by.jp = str str = type.j type.j = type.jp type.jp = str str = place.j place.j = place.jp place.jp = str str = fday.j fday.j = fday.jp fday.jp = str str = fmonth.j fmonth.j = fmonth.jp fmonth.jp = str str = fyear.j fyear.j = fyear.jp fyear.jp = str str = uday.j uday.j = uday.jp uday.jp = str str = umonth.j umonth.j = umonth.jp umonth.jp = str str = uyear.j uyear.j = uyear.jp uyear.jp = str str = institute.j institute.j = institute.jp institute.jp = str str = organisers.j organisers.j = organisers.jp organisers.jp = str str = comments.j comments.j = comments.jp comments.jp = str changed = 1 end end if ^changed then leave end return /* --------------- WriteFile ----------------- */ WriteFile: f = open(html_file,"w") if f<0 then do say "Error creating file '"html_file"'!.
" say "Please contact administrator.
" return end call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, 'CERN - n_TOF Collaboration - Events & Conferences' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '
' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, 'TOF tiny logo' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '
' call lineout f, 'GENERAL
' call lineout f, '
' call lineout f, '

' call lineout f, '

' call lineout f, '

 n_TOF' call lineout f, 'Events & Conferences' call lineout f, '

' call lineout f, '
' /* ------- Create Table with all the data index by year ---- */ prevyear = "" do i=1 to title.0 if prevyear <> fyear.i then do call lineout f,'

' call lineout f,'' call lineout f,'' call lineout f,'
' prevyear = fyear.i end call lineout f,'

' end /* ------------ Comments --------------- */ call lineout f, '

' call lineout f, '

' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '
Automatically created by' call lineout f, 'Vivian Synteta''s BRexx script' call lineout f, '
' call lineout f, 'Last updated 'date()'
TOF Home Page ' call lineout f, '
' call lineout f, '' call lineout f, '' call close f say "" say "" say "" say " Creating file" html_file "" say "" say "" say "Creating file" html_file "
" say "" say "" return