
Dim Ans$(5)

' Correct Answers
Ans$(1) = "ce que"
Ans$(2) = "ce qui"
Ans$(3) = "ce qui"
Ans$(4) = "ce que"
Ans$(5) = "ce qui"

' Correct answer counter
Correct = 0

For i = 1 To 5
	' Construct the target
	Target$ = "[" + LTrim$(Str$(i)) + "]"

	' Show Everything to find the hidden targets
	ShowAll 1

	' Go to the beggining of the document
	EditFind .Find = Target$, .Direction = 0, .MatchCase = 0, .WholeWord = 0, .PatternMatch = 0, .SoundsLike = 0, .Format = 0, .Wrap = 2, .FindAllWordForms = 0

	' Hide them again
	ShowAll 0

	' If the target is found
	If EditFindFound() Then
		' Select the next 2 words
		WordRight 1
		WordRight 2, 1

		' Get the user reponse
		Answer$ = RTrim$(GetText$(GetSelStartPos(), GetSelEndPos()))

		' Did he answered anything?
		If Left$(Answer$, 1) = "_" Then
			' Exit from macro
			MsgBox "Vous n'avez pas fini", "Info"
			Goto Exit
		ElseIf Answer$ = Ans$(i) Then
			' Answer was correct
			MsgBox "Correcte reponse!", "Bravo"
			Correct = Correct + 1
			' Wrong answer
			MsgBox "La correcte reponse c'est: " + Ans$(i), "Faut"
		End If
		MsgBox "Vous avez change le texte. Recommencez", "Info"
		Goto Exit
	End If
Next i

' Show the user score
MsgBox "Vous avez donne" + Str$(Correct) + " reponses correctes de 5", "Score"

End Sub
Vivian Synteta