Can one learn how to dominate computers after 40, 50, 60, 70.... years?
Way back in the remote days of Arpanet,when
real men did the hacking and the hunting (around)
and good women had their mind set only on taking care of
husband, home and the herd (of children), there was a young
student in General Science (with a major in biology and
a minor in education). Although she was Austrian, she was
living in the USA with her parents.

Two weeks after graduation she got married.
Waiting for her family to grow, she did
some teaching at the local N.J. schools.
A year later, for professional reasons of her husband,
they moved to Switzerland where her 3 children were born.

Over the years, in order to occupy her mind, she did some
studying, and some teaching, some painting and some writing
She also likes singing, martial arts, swimming and fitness training.

Time passed and values changed radically. Meanwhile
the young student has become a matron, her children have
grown up, her husband left Switzerland...
Still young at heart and hoping to eventually find a well-paid
job, she registered at TECFA, the world- famous
institution of wisdom and learning... To be continued.
This is only the beginning of an exciting story.

Graduation Picture

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